International Association of Former Officials of EUROCONTROL


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International Association of the Former Officials of EUROCONTROL (”AIAE”)

Unable to see the content on the site?

The site contains public and private information – the private information is for members only.

In order to have access to the member pages you must have an account. When you apply to join (or are automatically inscribed on taking up your pension) we first check your credentials. Once you are verified you will be created as a user on the website with the email you supplied, a User Name and a default high-security password.

Before you can access the site, you must RESET YOUR PASSWORD. To do this, go to the Login Page and click the “Lost Your Password” button.

Fill in your e-mail and click “Request Password Reset”. You will then receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. If you don’t receive the e-mail, please check your spam and junk folders as it may have been sent there (depending on your spam settings).

When you receive the email, simply click the link it contains and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password.

The password ideally should be: between 8-35 characters in length, contain both UPPER and lower case characters
contain at least 1 number, contain at least one of these special characters @ # $ % ^ & += . _

Take a note of your password and keep it somewhere safe. If you lose it, you can use this procedure to reset to a new password.

After resetting your password, you can return to the Logon page, enter your e-mail address (or your User Name) and the password you have chosen for yourself. You will now have access to the members private pages.


You can see some member pages, but not others?

This rarely happens, but we have noticed sometimes there are some peculiar problems after we have carried out some updates to the site internals.

This can normally be resolved by clearing your cookies and cache on your browser. For information on how to do this, see the links below:






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Members benefits include

Pension & agency news, Annual events, Members Offers,
Access to galleries, Notice board and forums & much more.

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